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Introducing ASPNetImage — An ASPImage Windows Component Drop-In Replacement

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I've used ServerObjects' ASPImage component for years on a number of dynamic sites that I've built in classic ASP that needed image manipulation abilities. Though it has a few issues, it has worked fairly well.

Recently I migrated a classic ASP web site originally hosted on Windows Server 2003 to a Windows Server 2008 machine and discovered (as others have) that ASPImage isn't compatible with 2008, exiting with a memory failure whenever you attempt to instantiate it.

Not wanting to have to find a replacement, purchase it, and rework a bunch of old code to work with a new component I decided to try my hand at simply writing a drop-in replacement interop component in .NET. The idea being to essentially wrap the System.Drawing namespace into a component that mirrors ASPImage's interface.

It's far from complete, but I've been running a partial implementation (with basic scaling, cropping, rotation, flipping, and brightness adjustment) of the component for about a month now with the site and it performs well—Better in fact than the original component even.

I've released the object and its source under the GPL v3 and you're more than welcome to give it a try and/or help me build it out completely.

Get more information and download the source and binaries from Google Code at: http://code.google.com/p/aspnetimage/

Categories: Development
